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From VNDev Wiki

Sprinting is a technique designed to increase productivity. Participants eliminate all distractions and work for a moderate amount of time (generally 20-30 minutes), before pausing for a shorter amount of time (5-10 minutes).

Generally, multiple sprints are done in succession, before taking a longer break. The most well-known sprinting format is the Pomodoro Technique, which is often credited with popularizing sprinting. The standard Pomodoro Technique recommends three 25-minute sprints, separated by 5-minute breaks, and followed by a longer, 20-30 minute break.

Mechanism and Effectiveness

Almost no peer-reviewed research exists about the effectiveness of sprinting or the Pomodoro Technique [1]. However, anecdotal evidence is abundant, and the technique is widely supported and suggested by a range of study skills and productivity tips resources[2].

The creator of the Pomodoro Method, Francesco Cirillo, explains that "the primary objective of the technique [is] empowering each person to improve his or her work or study process through self-observation", and that the main benefits of the technique arise only when it is used consistently over a period of days or weeks[2]. He emphasizes how the technique changes one’s relationship to work and time – not necessarily its direct effects on cognitive load or attention[2].

In DevTalk

The DevTalk Discord server features a team-sprinting feature, managed by Lemon. Users can enter the command:

/sprint L D

where L is the length of the work time, and D is the delay before beginning the sprint, both in minutes. If the delay is omitted, it will be set to 0, and the sprint will begin immediately.

If a delay is set, Lemon will send this message. Users who click the running emoji will be temporarily given the Sprint Runners role, which will be removed after the sprint ends.

Starting a sprint in 1 minutes! Click (running emoji) to join!

When a sprint begins (after the delay if there was one, otherwise right away), Lemon will notify the user who ran the command, the Sprinter role, and the Sprint Runners role. Users can also react to this message to temporarily receive the Sprint Runners role.

@Sprinter @Sprint Runners @Arimia is starting timer for 25 minutes, starting now! Click (running emoji) to join!

When the sprint timer expires, Lemon will notify the user who ran the command, the Sprinter role, and the Sprint Runners role. Users can choose to run another sprint if they wish by running the sprint command again.


  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Cirillo, 2018. The Pomodoro Technique: The Acclaimed Time-Management System That Has Transformed How We Work