Assets are the behind-the-scenes parts which make up a visual novel. The word asset is most commonly used in reference to art (like sprites, backgrounds, and CGs) and audio (like music, sound effects, and voice lines). However, assets can also include written scripts/narratives, programming work, GUI components, and more.
At the most basic level, the development of a visual novel is a process of creating assets. Each type of asset requires different skills, so development teams will often have several members with different skill sets. The asset creation responsibilities of given positions may vary across teams, so clear communication and project management can help ensure that the proper assets are created, and that they form a cohesive whole.
Developers are encouraged to create frequent backups of all assets to minimize the risk of data loss.
Most assets are designed to be included directly within the finished visual novel. However, some assets may be used for promotional purposes (such as on a Steam or store page), or may be included in "extras" such as art books or downloadable content. Other assets might be created as part of the planning process without the intention of sharing them with the public. This may include character design sketches or lore/background notes.