
From VNDev Wiki

Scripting refers to the process of formatting a visual novel's narrative so that it can be interpreted by the engine. Sometimes, the word scripting also includes direction.

Responsibility in development

The responsibility for scripting may rest on different members of the development team based on the group culture and workflows. Common choices include:

  • Writer: Some writers create their first drafts in engine scripting format to begin with. Others will write in a format similar to what is needed, and minor revisions will be made later in the workflow.
  • Proofreader: Some teams will employ proofreaders to check scripting format during the proofreading process.
  • Director: If scripting is not completed during the writing, editing, or proofreading processes, it is commonly done by the director while they stage the sprites, backgrounds, and music.
  • Dedicated scripter: Teams may utilize a dedicated team member to format the narrative into engine-readable format.

Regardless of which team member completes this work, they are typically listed in credits as "scripting" in addition to other responsibilities they may have completed.
