Guide:Ren'Py visual novels on Steam: Difference between revisions

From VNDev Wiki
text formatting, removed unused headers
partial TOC
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This is a long document. You can either follow all of the steps roughly in order, or use this table of contents to jump directly to a section.
This is a long document. You can either follow all of the steps roughly in order, or use this table of contents to jump directly to a section.
==Table of Contents==
*[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/App|Create the Steam App]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/App#Create the App|Create the App]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/App#Some Terminology|Some Terminology]]
*[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page|Create Your Store Page]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Viewing Your Store Page|Viewing Your Store Page]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Configure Basic Info|Configure Basic Info]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Search Keywords|Search Keywords]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Supported Platforms|Supported Platforms]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Release Dates|Release Dates]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Adult Content|Adult Content]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Supported Features|Supported Features]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Mature Content Settings|Mature Content Settings]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Self-Rating Questionnaire|Self-Rating Questionnaire]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Planned Release Date|Planned Release Date]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#System Requirements|System Requirements]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#5 or More Screenshots|5 or More Screenshots]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Add a Trailer|Add a Trailer]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Capsule Images|Capsule Images]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Library Images|Library Images]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Community Images|Community Images]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Client Icon|Client Icon]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Common Reviewer Complaints|Common Reviewer Complaints]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Store_page#Submit Your Page For Approval|Submit Your Page For Approval]]
*[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload|Upload Your Game to Steam]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Removing 32-Bit Support for Windows (Optional)|Removing 32-Bit Support for Windows (Optional)]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Setting up Archiving For Your Game (Optional)|Setting up Archiving For Your Game (Optional)]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Installing Steam Libraries in Ren’Py|Installing Steam Libraries in Ren’Py]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Setting the Steam App Id (Optional)|Setting the Steam App Id (Optional)]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Making the Steam Build in Ren’Py|Making the Steam Build in Ren’Py]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Uploading the Game to Steam|Uploading the Game to Steam]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Build Configuration|Build Configuration]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Debugging Build Configurations|Debugging Build Configurations]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Fixing a Bad Upload (via Web UIs)|Fixing a Bad Upload (via Web UIs)]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Fixing a Bad Upload (via SteamPipe)|Fixing a Bad Upload (via SteamPipe)]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#I Ran My Game Before Re-Zipping and Uploading|I Ran My Game Before Re-Zipping and Uploading]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Upload a Fixed Build|Upload a Fixed Build]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Reset All Game Progress|Reset All Game Progress]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Configuring Steam Cloud Saves|Configuring Steam Cloud Saves]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Setting a Price|Setting a Price]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Setting Supported Operating Systems|Setting Supported Operating Systems]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Submit Your Game For Approval|Submit Your Game For Approval]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Upload#Provide Save Files to Steam Support|Provide Save Files to Steam Support]]
*[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements|Add Achievements]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements#Create the Images|Create the Images]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements#Define the Achievement in Steam|Define the Achievement in Steam]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements#Unlock the Achievement in Your Game (in Ren’Py)|Unlock the Achievement in Your Game (in Ren’Py)]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements#Register Your Achievement in an Init Block]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements#Grant Your Achievement During Gameplay|Grant Your Achievement During Gameplay]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements#Display Achievements to Users (Optional)|Display Achievements to Users (Optional)]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements#Achievement Stats|Achievement Stats]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements#Register Your Stat in Steam|Register Your Stat in Steam]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Achievements#Add Your Stat in Your Game (Ren’Py)|Add Your Stat in Your Game (Ren’Py)]]
*[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Testing|Test Your Game]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Testing#Before Release|Before Release]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Testing#Publishing the Build|Publishing the Build]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Testing#For Yourself|For Yourself]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Testing#With Others|With Others]]
***[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Testing#Reminder: Ren’Py Automatically Shares Save Data on a Computer|Reminder: Ren’Py Automatically Shares Save Data on a Computer]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Testing#After Release|After Release]]
*[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Demo|Add a Demo]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Demo#Making the Steam Build in Ren'Py|Making the Steam Build in Ren'Py]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Demo#Create the Demo in Steam|Create the Demo in Steam]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Demo#Create the Store Page|Create the Store Page]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Demo#Upload Your Demo to Steam|Upload Your Demo to Steam]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Demo#Test Your Demo|Test Your Demo]]
**[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/Demo#Release Your Demo|Release Your Demo]]
*[[Guide:Ren%27Py_visual_novels_on_Steam/DLC|Create DLC]]


Revision as of 11:30, 19 February 2025

Ren’Py Visual Novels on Steam: A Step-by-Step Guide
By Bob Conway (
With thanks to BaiYu / Project Ensō (
Created: August 11, 2021
Last Updated: March 26, 2024 (see Document Changelog)
Short Link to original version (may be more up-to-date):

This is a step-by-step guide with screenshots for getting your Ren’Py based game onto Steam. (This guide can be used for non-Ren’Py games too. Just ignore the portions about Ren’Py.)

This guide assumes you have already registered as a Steamworks partner and purchased an app credit.

Please note: You will not be able to release your game on Steam until 30 days after purchasing an app credit, or two weeks after your game page goes live after undergoing Steam review and receiving approval, whichever is later. Please plan ahead.

This is a long document. You can either follow all of the steps roughly in order, or use this table of contents to jump directly to a section.

Table of Contents


Want to figure things out on your own, and just want to know the images and builds you have to make, or just want a checklist of images before tackling Steamworks configuration?

You must create the following assets for the Steam store page, community, and client:

  • Five game screenshot images (hit the “s” key while playing to easily generate these) (details)
  • One game trailer video (details)
  • Four capsule images for the store (details)
    • A 460x215px header image, which will appear at the top of your store page and in other store views
    • A 231x87px small image, which will appear in search results and recommendations
    • A 616x353px main image that appears on the front page (and will probably never get used unless you are popular)
    • A 374x448px tall image that will also be used in the store
  • Three images for players’ game libraries (details)
    • A 600x900px capsule image to represent your game in the large library view
    • A 3840x1240px header image to display (and scale) at the top of the game page in the library
    • A 1280x720px logo image to overlay on top of the header image above
  • An image for the Steam community (details)
    • A 184x69px capsule image for wishlists
  • An icon for the client distributable (details)
    • A 32x32px ico file, which can automatically generate the TGA and community image

You must create the following game build ZIP to upload:

  • A “markets” game build created with a Steam-library-enabled Ren’Py (details)

You may optionally create the following assets for the Steam store page:

  • A trailer screenshot image (as a loading placeholder for the trailer video) (details)
  • A 1438x810px background image that will appear on your game page (details)

You may optionally create the following asset for the Steam community

  • A 32x32px JPG for the community icon (which can be automatically generated from your ico file above) (details)

You may optionally create the following asset for the client

  • A 16x16px TGA for the client icon (which can be automatically generated from your ico file above) (details)

You may optionally create the following assets for achievements:

  • Two 256x256px JPG images for each achievement, representing the locked and unlocked states (details)

For more step-by-step guidance, read on.

(The above steps do not all apply for additive content such as a demo, DLC, a soundtrack, or bundles. Reference the appropriate sections for details.)

Document Changelog

Suggestions and Contact Information

Bob welcomes suggestions, corrections, and additions to this document. You can reach him at bobcgames(at), from his website, or on Mastodon as

However, he requests you do not contact him with questions relating to Ren’Py code, including questions about screen language, patch file creation, and achievement code. For such questions, he recommends the official Ren’Py Discord server.

If you found this guide useful, please consider supporting him by donating to YAGS on or picking up some YAGS swag.