Meet and greet

From VNDev Wiki
(Redirected from Jam Meet & Greet)

Meet and greet events are scheduled, structured, and online gatherings where visual novel developers seek to find teams or team members to participate in a visual novel jam. The majority of visual novel jam meet and greets are hosted by DevTalk.

Format & Schedule

DevTalk's meet and greets are held for partnered and sponsored jams. These events are held in group voice calls in Discord, and participants can either participate in voice or listen to voice and participate in a text channel.

They are typically scheduled the month prior to a participating jam, on Saturdays at 2 PM Eastern, and typically last about two hours. The meet and greets open with announcements and information about the jam as applicable, then participants are allowed to introduce themselves and/or their projects, following a prompt of simple questions. Participants are usually asked to join a queue (operated by Plum) to facilitate orderly introductions.

Following introductions, the meet and greet officially ends, and enters "open floor" for casual discussion. Open floor sometimes continues for up to an hour.

Efficacy & Participation

DevTalk meet and greets typically have between 50 and 70 participants. For a given jam, the first of the two events typically has more participants than the second, and more team matches are typically made.

Meet and greets are often successful at aiding team formation, but the demand for skilled individuals tends to be high. The participation numbers of character artists, writers, and voice actors tends to be high, while background illustrators, animators, composers, programmers, and editors tends to be more limited. Individuals with in-demand skills frequently have their pick of projects.

Question Prompts

The prompts at each Meet & Greet include the same 2 questions, followed by an ice breaker question that changes from meeting to meeting.

1. What is your name and/or your group's name?
2. Tell us about your jam project and your team needs
   about the skills you can bring to a team.
3. Ice breaker