The VNDev Wiki underwent maintenance on March 14th, 2025, which is now complete. Semantic MediaWiki and associated extensions have been updated, and Scribunto and Semantic Scribunto have been installed. If you encounter any bugs or unexpected behavior, especially with VN jam statistics pages, please let the wiki admins know via the DevTalk Discord server.
From VNDev Wiki
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Urldecode/doc
local p = {}
function p.urlDecode( frame )
local enctype = frame.args[2]
local ret = nil;
if (frame.args[2] ~= nil) then
enctype = mw.ustring.upper(enctype)
if ((enctype == "QUERY") or (enctype == "PATH") or (enctype == "WIKI")) then
ret = mw.uri.decode(frame.args[1],frame.args[2])
ret = mw.uri.decode(frame.args[1])
ret = string.gsub(ret, "{", "{")
ret = string.gsub(ret, "}", "}")
return ret
return p