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Revision as of 19:21, 30 December 2024 by Ironnori (talk | contribs) (updated m&g link)

Plum is one of the bot personalities for DevTalk.

Role/Purpose Manage the DevTalk Discord server
Creator(s) Stella
Status Active
Initial activation April 15, 2019; 5 years ago (2019-04-15)
Written in C#


Plum is mostly responsible for tasks related to managing the DevTalk Discord server. An up-to-date list of her commands can be retrieved with the command /helpplum.

Channel Management

  • Plum manages the quotes system:
    • /addquote NAME CONTENT adds a quote with the contents CONTENT and the name NAME. It's possible for several quotes to share the same name.
      A synonym for /addquote NAME CONTENTS is .. NAME CONTENTS.
    • /getquote NAME gets a random quote with the name NAME. To get a specific quote, use /getquote NAME NUMBER with NUMBER being 1 for the first quote added under a name, 2 for the second one, and so on.
      A synonym for /getquote NAME (NUMBER) is .. NAME (NUMBER).
    • /qinfo NAME tells you how many quotes have the name NAME.
      And /qinfo NAME NUMBER shows information about a specific quote. It shows who submitted it, when they submitted it, what it contains, and what its index is. You need the index if you want to delete a quote.
    • /qdel INDEX deletes the quote with the index INDEX. Can be used by the person that submitted the quote, or by moderators or stars.
  • Every day, Plum will clear out the daily message channel and post a new Message of the Day, including a random featured Discord server and a random featured resource. Afterwards, a skit will occur, where several of the bots will talk with each other. Some of these skits are special, story-based skits that only occur once, while others are part of a regular rotation.
  • Plum will add a heart emoji reaction to any image posted in the Artspam channel.
  • Plum will clear all messages from the Devclub (formerly known as Burn Box) channel every Saturday at 1:00AM Eastern Daylight Time/Midnight Eastern Standard Time. Chatters can try to fight against her while she's doing this by typing more messages, activating a minigame.
  • Plum will actively detect and suppress spam bots with a number of undisclosed techniques. This feature includes deleting of the offending messages, the quarantining of the offending user, and notifying the moderation team that she has taken these actions.


  • Plum can answer any yes/no question with 100% accuracy (except for the times when she's wrong). Use the command: /8ball QUESTION replacing QUESTION with a question, like this:
    /8ball Will Plum answer this question correctly?
  • She can generate a "Next you'll say..." meme on demand. Use the command: /next TEXT, replacing TEXT with the text to insert in the image.
  • She can generate a "...or draw 25 cards" meme on demand. Use the command: /25 TEXT
  • She can generate a " trending on Twitter" meme on demand. Use the command: /trending TEXT. As of early December 2024, this command is broken.
  • She can show the :plumStare: emote when people use the following command: stare


  • Plum can provide a link to join DevTalk that you can share with your friends. Use the command: /link
  • Plum can keep track of a queue of people to participate in an event such as a Meet and greet. A moderator creates an amount of tickets, and people can use the /ticket command, which puts them in a place in the queue. She also has three commands that let non-admins create and join named queues, which seem to not have a documented length cap:
    • /startqueue NAME creates a new queue called NAME.
    • /queue NAME adds you to the NAME queue.
    • /showqueue NAME shows the list of people on the NAME queue.
  • /timestamp HOUR MINUTE (MONTH) (DAY) (YEAR) generates a timestamp.

Former jobs

While Plum seems to always have worked at DevTalk, her tasks have changed sometimes. Some of her former tasks include:

  • In the past, she would automatically assign the appropriate roles to users who react to messages in the Role Select channel. Nowadays Discord does that automatically.
  • She used to manage the Jobs and Volunteers channels, which are now run as Discord forum channels & do not need a bot's help any more.
  • Plum would, on request, provide a disclaimer about the way our community refers to transgender & gender non-conforming people. The command was /glaad


Plum is observant, reasonable, self-sufficient, and adventurous. She can be snarky at times and has been described as a "meanspirited big sister type".

Fun Facts

  • Her favorite holiday beverage is hot cocoa.
  • Her best subject in school was Astrophysics, and her worst was Literature.
  • Out of the DevTalk personalities, Plum is closest with Cherry.
  • Plum is a terrible baker and once managed to burn a no-bake cheesecake.
  • She doesn't celebrate national pride holidays.
  • Plum's Discord Profile reads: "Hey! I'm Plum. I'm in charge of internal data and communications in DevTalk. Catch me in the club at midnight if you have something to say. 🔎Looking for my place in this world wide world.🔎"