DevTalk town hall
The DevTalk community of visual novel developers regularly hosts town halls where community members can learn about DevTalk's activities, provide feedback and suggestions, or raise concerns about the community. They typically occur twice each year - once in early January, and once in June or July.
Purpose and Structure
We have these twice a year, usually once in January and again in June Mics are optional, but being able to listen to the voice channel is recommended. We talk about current and past community objectives, focuses and plans, and how they went. During the open floor, any questions, ideas, or suggestions about the community or things involving the community are ok. Mics are typically left open until it's a problem, so be respectful and start either muted or with push to talk!
Notes from past town halls
Please note that these meeting notes are unedited from the time they were originally taken. Individuals' opinions, affiliations, usernames, and pronouns may have changed in the years or months since some of these events.
2:01 p.m.
1:56 p.m.
- Logline Contest is now live until the 25 this month
- Logline votes will be by emote reactions, those with the most reacts will win temporary Lemon-chan VIP status as well as a logo by m.
- Cherry will now take over the project promotion tweets
- Anyone is free to host jams, or suggest a jam here. Server staff may be able to assist with hosting if need be.
- Popular server-wide jam themes seem to either be horror/October and winter.
- DevTalk+ is happy to help promote everyone's works in conjunction with events in the future
- AD is extremely interested in translating RU to EN and vice versa
- Thank you John for hosting the DevTalk+ Minecraft server
- There is interest in starting Let's Reads again
- Please ask to critique during a Let's Read before doing so
- We may be able to start a Lemon-chan Twitch channel
- DevTalk+ Podcast?
- Vtuber??????
- DevTalk+ Zine?
- We may host our own version of VN;Conf
- Elm has money flying out her ass
- Possibly renaming the community
- CommPro Project
- Community Ambassador Project
- Lemonchan Features and Requests
- Fate of the EVNPire website
- administrative burden, moderating
- technical burden, updating WP, functionality like merging
- audience vs dev oriented
- sister communties
- audience can 'see' what devs are doing
- people are attracted to personalities
- skill novice vs. advanced
- brain drain
- Community Plans for VNConf
- new, community-run conferenced hosting independently/in a different place
- Event scheduling in 2020
- streaming workshops
- buddy system - experienced dev advising new dev & streaming that process
- provide guidance & structure
- award ceremony
- participation levels
- make events easy to accidentally encounter
- (new, separate point emerged from Event Scheduling): Criticism
- sensitivity to it
- good vs bad crit
- Discussion Questions for 2020
- New Moderator