Template:Jam occurrence/doc
From VNDev Wiki
{{Jam occurrence | title = <!--Can also use "name", or will default to the name of the page--> | series = <!--Can also use "occurrenceOf" or "instanceOf"--> | version = <!--Used for jams with multiple versions, such as Velox, O2A2, or Ukrainian. Can also use "ver"--> | number = <!--For jams with multiple versions, give the sequence number within that version. Can also use "num"--> | start = | end = | year = | partic = <!--Can also use "participants"--> | entries = <!--Can also use "submissions" or "subs"--> | page = <!--Can also use "url"--> | competitive = <!--Set as "Yes" or "No". Can also use "comp"--> | topPrize = <!--Defaults to $0. Can also use "top_prize"--> | prizePool = <!--Defaults to $0. Can also use "prize_pool", "totalPrize", or "total_prize"--> }}