Visual Novels Discord

From VNDev Wiki
Revision as of 10:32, 19 January 2023 by LeyKlussyn (talk | contribs) (added wiki link)

The Visual Novels Discord is a consumer oriented Discord community for discussion around visual novels. It is owned by Discord User funwithgravity#3421.


Taken from the Discord on 7/16/22

1. Act with basic common decency and have general respect for all users. Examples of illicit behaviors include, but are not limited to, spamming, harassment, use of slurs, intentionally derailing conversations, and untagged spoilers and/or NSFW posts. Please respect and comply with the mods if they tell you to lay off a certain type of behavior.

2. Do not encourage piracy by posting links for pirated games, including torrents and direct download links.

3. Use Discord-wide spoilers to mark any spoilers of any nature. If you are unsure about tagging something, tag it anyways to be safe. To use these spoiler tags, put “||” before and after the spoiler-y text as per: Spoilers for X here -> ||Spoiler-y Text|| Spoiler-y Text. Discord also allows to mark images as spoilers directly from the upload section.

4. Excessive and consistent shitposting that creates an environment that discourages or drowns out participation will not be tolerated.

A guideline on self-promotion:

As this server is primarily a fan server for discussion and not a dev server, excessive self promotion is discouraged, especially when done in the middle of an already ongoing discussion. "Linking and Leaving" is also frowned down upon. If you want to self-promote, do not drop a link into the chat and disappear from plain sight. Instead, be ready to discuss what you are promoting. Also remember to keep your promotion in moderation.

Do not let your online persona on this server be just someone who only promotes a product. Try to participate and engage in other discussions.

If you have something that you have worked on and want to promote and discuss, devtalk would be the optimal place for these types of discussions as there are many developers there willing to discuss what you have to share.

Rules for learn_japanese channel

1. This is a place to ask about Japanese language. Discussions in Japanese are allowed, but please prioritize questions when they are asked. Discussions about untranslated VNs are encouraged to be in jp_visualnoveltalk.

2. People who ask questions should have a clear defined purpose and give an impression that they are actively and honestly trying to learn. You are allowed to ask any questions related to the Japanese language. All levels of learners, including beginners, are welcome, so please do not hesitate to ask questions.

3. People who answer questions or comment on another's Japanese should do so without putting their emotional baggage in the message. You may answer questions even if you are not 100% sure of your answer. However, please indicate before you answer that you are not completely sure of your answer. Forming bad language habits and working on incorrect information can cause problems down the line, and we don't want to mislead learners by providing incorrect information. 4. Provide context when asking a question about a specific line. It is suggested that you provide 1-2 lines before and after the line in question or provide a screenshot of the context surrounding the line (e.g. VN backlog, text hooker output, etc.).

5. Above all, be respectful and remember that belittling or bullying others is not tolerated. The learn_japanese channel is held to a higher standard than all the other channels, and interpretation of the rules is completely up to the staff members involved.

6. Translation requests are allowed. However, please keep them to a minimum as the stated purpose of this channel is for Japanese language help and discussion. If you do ask for a translation, make sure the total text to be translated is relatively short in length (refer to this FFXI error for acceptable total length).


Taken from the Discord 7/16/22

General subchannels

general: The welcome mat of the server. Drop in and say hi. Any sort of conversation is allowed here.

general2: The second general channel created when the first general is getting a lot of overflow. Used as another hang-out spot.

VN subchannels

visualnoveltalk: The center for visual novel discussion. Translated discussion is most prevalent, though untranslated talk is mostly fine.

jp_visualnoveltalk: The center for untranslated visual novel discussion. Translated visual novel discussion is allowed for the most part.

Group reads subchanels

contest-entries : Place to enter entries for monthly reads

snow-monthly-read : channel to discuss the current monthly topic. Switched out whenever there is a new topic so the name will change often.

9-nine-monthly-backlog and baldr-sky-monthly-backlog are used for past monthly topics in case people want to join in later

Dev subchannels

devtalk: The place for developers to hang out and discuss creating VNs in any way, shape or form.

devclub: The place for developers to hang out and discuss random topics.

Non-VN subchannels

learn_japanese: The channel to go to if you have any questions regarding any facet of learning Japanese.

nsfw_talk: The only channel were posting unmarked NSFW content is allowed. The aforementioned prohibited content is still not permitted within this channel.

anime-manga: The channel for any sort of discussion relating to anime or manga. LNs are fine too.

gaming: The channel for gaming content of any sort.

art : Channel for sfw art you like

revenge-of-the-shitposting: Self explanatory but still must follow rules for rest of the server

botspam: The place where spamming the bots are perfectly fine. Is also a place for discussion on untranslated VNs and other such topics.


Link to the Discord