The VNDev Wiki underwent maintenance on March 14th, 2025, which is now complete. Semantic MediaWiki and associated extensions have been updated, and Scribunto and Semantic Scribunto have been installed. If you encounter any bugs or unexpected behavior, especially with VN jam statistics pages, please let the wiki admins know via the DevTalk Discord server.

Module:Jam series detailed stats: Difference between revisions

From VNDev Wiki
m hrm
Tag: Reverted
m oopsie teehee
Tag: Manual revert
Line 84: Line 84:
     local occurQuery = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Is occurrence of::' .. seriesName .. ']]', '[[Has end date::<' .. mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate('M j Y') .. ']]', '?Has short name=shortName', '?Has ' .. statType .. '#-=count', '?Has end date#-F[U]=endDate' }
     local occurQuery = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Is occurrence of::' .. seriesName .. ']]', '[[Has end date::<' .. mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate('M j Y') .. ']]', '?Has short name=shortName', '?Has ' .. statType .. '#-=count', '?Has end date#-F[U]=endDate' }
     local occur = mw.smw.ask(occurQuery)
     local occur = mw.smw.ask(occurQuery)
    return occur
function p.temp()

     if type( occur ) ~= "table" then return 'ERROR' end
     if type( occur ) ~= "table" then return 'ERROR' end

Revision as of 13:52, 17 March 2025

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Jam series detailed stats/doc

local p = {}

function p.prepHistData( frame )

    local statType = frame.args['statType']
    local width = frame.args['width']
    local q = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '?Has ' .. statType .. '=count' }
    q.sort = 'Has ' .. statType
    q.order = 'descending'
    q.limit = 1
    q.mainheader = '-'
    local maxCount = mw.smw.ask( q )

    local numIntervals = math.ceil( maxCount[1].count / width )

    local zeroSubQ = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Has ' .. statType .. '::0]]' }
    zeroSubQ.format = 'count'
    local zeroCount = mw.smw.ask( zeroSubQ )

    local zeroCol = { 'Has sort order=0', 'Has label=None', 'Has count=' .. mw.smw.ask( zeroSubQ ) }

    local resultZero = mw.smw.subobject( zeroCol )
    local resultFinal = false
    if resultZero == true then resultFinal = true end

    for i=1,numIntervals do
        local subQ = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Has ' .. statType .. '::>' .. (width * (i-1)) + 1 .. ']]', '[[Has ' .. statType .. '::<' .. width * i ..']]' }
        subQ.format = 'count'
        local resultI = mw.smw.subobject ( { 'Has sort order=' .. i, 'Has label=' .. (width * (i-1)) + 1 .. '-' .. width * i, 'Has count=' .. mw.smw.ask( subQ ) } )
        if resultI ~= true then resultFinal = false end

    return resultFinal


function p.prepHistDataCustom( frame )

    local statType = frame.args['statType']
    local groups = {}

    local toRet = ''

    for i,arg in pairs( frame.args ) do
        if arg ~= statType then
            --toRet = toRet .. arg .. '\n'
            table.insert(groups, mw.text.split(arg, '-', true ) )

    --return toRet

    local zeroSubQ = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Has ' .. statType .. '::0]]' }
    zeroSubQ.format = 'count'
    local zeroCount = mw.smw.ask( zeroSubQ )

    local zeroCol = { 'Has sort order=0', 'Has label=None', 'Has count=' .. mw.smw.ask( zeroSubQ ) }

    local resultZero = mw.smw.subobject( zeroCol )
    local resultFinal = false
    if resultZero == true then resultFinal = true end

    for i=1,#groups do
        if groups[i] ~= nil then
            local subQ = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Has ' .. statType .. '::>' .. groups[i][1] .. ']]', '[[Has ' .. statType .. '::<' .. groups[i][2] ..']]' }
            subQ.format = 'count'
            local resultI = mw.smw.subobject ( { 'Has sort order=' .. groups[i][1], 'Has label=' .. groups[i][1] .. '-' .. groups[i][2], 'Has count=' .. mw.smw.ask( subQ ) } )
            if resultI ~= true then resultFinal = false end

    return resultFinal


function p.statDesc( frame )

    local statType = 'entries'
    if frame.args['statType'] ~= nil then statType = frame.args['statType'] end

    local seriesName = 'Spooktober Visual Novel Jam'
    if frame.args['seriesName'] ~= nil then seriesName = frame.args['seriesName'] end

    local occurQuery = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Is occurrence of::' .. seriesName .. ']]', '[[Has end date::<' .. mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate('M j Y') .. ']]', '?Has short name=shortName', '?Has ' .. statType .. '#-=count', '?Has end date#-F[U]=endDate' }
    local occur = mw.smw.ask(occurQuery)

    if type( occur ) ~= "table" then return 'ERROR' end

    local numOccur = 0
    local sumCount = 0
    local largestCount = 0
    local largestName = 'ERROR'
    local newestCount = 0
    local newestDate = 0
    local newestName = 'ERROR'

    for i=1, #occur do
        if occur[i] ~= nil then
            numOccur = numOccur + 1
            sumCount = sumCount + occur[i].count 
            if occur[i].count > largestCount then
                largestCount = occur[i].count
                largestName = occur[i].shortName
            if occur[i].endDate > newestDate then
                newestCount = occur[i].count
                newestDate = occur[i].endDate
                newestName = occur[i].shortName

    local avgCount = p.round(sumCount / numOccur, 2)

    local toRet = ''
    toRet = toRet .. seriesName .. ' has had ' .. avgCount .. ' ' .. statType .. ' on average, across ' .. numOccur .. ' occurrences. This is '
    toRet = toRet .. p.prText( avgCount, statType ) .. ' of jam occurrences. \n\n'

    toRet = toRet .. 'The largest occurrence by ' .. statType .. ', which was ' .. largestName .. ', had ' .. largestCount .. ' ' .. statType .. '. This is '
    toRet = toRet .. p.prText( largestCount, statType ) .. ' of jam occurrences. \n\n'

    toRet = toRet .. 'The most recent occurrence, which was ' .. newestName .. ', had ' .. newestCount .. ' ' .. statType .. '. This is '
    toRet = toRet .. p.prText( newestCount, statType ) .. ' of jam occurrences.'

    return toRet


function p.percentileRank( count, statType )

    local cfQuery = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Has ' .. statType .. '::<' .. count .. ']]' }
    cfQuery.format = 'count'
    local fQuery = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Has ' .. statType .. '::' .. count .. ']]' }
    fQuery.format = 'count'
    local nQuery = { '[[Jam occurrence:+]]', '[[Has ' .. statType .. '::+]]' }
    nQuery.format = 'count'

    local cf = mw.smw.ask(cfQuery)
    local f = mw.smw.ask(fQuery)
    local n = mw.smw.ask(nQuery)

    local pr = 0.5 * f
    pr = cf - pr
    pr = pr / n
    pr = pr * 100

    return p.round(pr, 0)


function p.prText( count, statType )

    local text = 'higher'
    local prNum = p.percentileRank( count, statType )
    if prNum <= 50 then 
        text = 'lower'
        prNum = 100 - prNum

   return text .. ' than ' .. prNum .. '%'


function p.round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
  local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
  return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

return p